August 10, 2018

Web Application

What’s the most important thing to consider when you’re developing a top-notch web application? No doubt it’s the technology stack your app will be based upon.

The choice of a relevant tech stack is particularly challenging for small businesses and startups, since they usually have limited budgets and, thus, need a technology stack that provides the most bang for the buck to get their projects off the ground.

The right tech stack is, to a great extent, the key to your project’s success, while the wrong choice of web development technologies may be a reason for failure.

We’ve decided to give you a helping hand and reveal the criteria for choosing the most appropriate tech stack for your web application.

Client-Side Programming
Client-side (i.e. frontend) web development involves everything users see on their screens. Here are the major frontend technology stack components:

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). HTML tells a browser how to display the content of web pages, while CSS styles that content. Bootstrap is a helpful framework for managing HTML and CSS.

JavaScript (JS). JS makes web pages interactive. There are many JavaScript libraries (such as jQuery, React.js, and Zepto.js) and frameworks (such as Angular, Vue, Backbone, and Ember) for faster and easier web development.

Server-Side Programming
The server side isn’t visible to users, but it powers the client side, just as a power station generates electricity for your house.

The challenge lies mainly in the choice of server-side technologies for developing your web application.

As for server-side programming languages, they are used to create the logic of websites and applications. Frameworks for programming languages offer lots of tools for simpler and faster coding. Let’s mention some of the popular programming languages and their major frameworks (in parentheses):

PHP (Laravel)

Your web application needs a place to store its data, and that’s what a database is used for. Here are the most common databases for web development:

MySQL (relational)
PostgreSQL (relational)
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