July 29, 2018

Certification Comparisons


Federal Certifications State and Local Certifications
8(a) Business Development Program Small Disadvantaged Business Program HUBZONE Program U.S. Department of Transportation (DBE) Women & Minority Small Business
Business Size Must be small business by SBA size standards. Not applicable at this time
Citizenship Owned and controlled by U.S. standards as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident U.S. citizens or permanent resident
Social Qualification Social disadvantaged person(s) who own and control at least 51% of their company. Principal office located within a HUB Zone.  At least 35% of firm’s employees must be HUB Zone residents. Socially disadvantaged person’s) who own and control at least 51% of their company. Firms owned and controlled (at least 51%) by women or minorities.
Economic Qualification Maximum $250,000 personal net worth at time of application,  $750,000 personal net worth during participation. Maximum $750,000 personal net worth at time of application and during participation Not Applicable Maximum $1.32 Million personal net worth at time of application and during participation Not Applicable
Length in Business 2 years (recommended) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Major Benefits SBA training and business development.  8(a) only contract bidding Possible 10% price Evaluation Preference.  Meets goals for prime contractors Contracts awarded to HUB Zone firm if 2 or more qualified HUB Zone firms are eligible bidders Eligible to participate toward State goals in Federally-funded transportation contracts Eligible to participate in local agency & Government Prime Contractors goals.
Eligibility Time Line 9 years maximum None None None None
Eligibility Review Annually Every 3 years None Every 3 years with annual statements of change Every 3 years with annual statements of change
Sole Source Contracting Available to program participants. Not available Limited to when insufficient HUB Zone companies for competitive bidding Not Available Not Applicable
Application Submission Submit to SBA Regional Processing Center Designated by SBA Washington D.C. Self Certification submitted to SBA, Washington D.C. SBA Washington D.C. HUB Zone Office Administered by State Agencies Administered by Local Agencies
Citizenship Listed in SAM.  University based business training.  Automatically certified as SDB Listed in SAM. Listed in SAM 10%. Price Evaluation Preference may be available.  90% guaranty (80% standard) on surety bond guarantees Directory is posted on State’s web-site, increasing visibility of vendor. Meet goals for prime contractors  NOTE: certification also available at state and local levels.
Fees Fee Schedule Fee Schedule Fee Schedule Fee Schedule Fee Schedule
Contact TMM for application packaging and counseling on the application process at 323.376.0162, or email info@tmminfo.biz